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Single In Vancouver

Another great article from Meet Market Adventures, view more great articles and tips for singles.

Are you single and bored in Vancouver? Are all of your friends out doing things, leaving you to wonder if you’re the only one it who is living life as if it were all work and no play? Well, not anymore! How would you love to go hiking, rock climbing, golfing and wine tasting, to name just a few of the more popular activities, with some of Vancouver’s most elegant young professionals? If you said “Yes,” then read on.

Meet Market Adventures is the premier entertainment and adventure group in North America, catering to the unique and sophisticated needs of Vancouver’s successful singles. Whether you simply would like a quiet day, golf and dinner, or a vacation in Italy, Meet Market has just what you are looking for.

We know how frustrating it can be when it seems your social calendar is always at opposites with your friends, and even how hard it can be to meet new people around town. Yes, we are a dream come true. In order to better serve you and allow you an opportunity to see all that we have to offer for the hippest, trendiest singles in Vancouver, Meet Market Adventures offers free membership sign up. And in keeping with our “pay to play” philosophy, sign up fees are only required for events and adventures you wish to participate in. Too good to be true? Well, maybe – but it’s true.

In addition, Meet Market offers the most compatible room mate options for savvy vacationers not wishing to pay outrageous single-stay hotel fees. Members are paired with the most like-minded and friendliest people that make up the Meet Market family, selected by our rigorous knowledge and attention to the particular needs and desires of each member.

Whether your preference is events around Vancouver or in a log cabin away in the mountains, count on Meet Market for the finest and most elegant entertainment for singles in this great city. From wine tasting to the hottest night clubs and party spots to a reflective dinner. Meet Market does it all. We offer the most inexpensive travel packages for singles who wish to sow their royal oats all over the world. From the breathtaking views of Arizona’s Grand Canyon, or the most exhilarating sights in France, to a tropical vacation in Cost Rica, international travel opportunities abound with Meet Market.

Mingle and network with local singles in a pressure-free environment. Singles can choose from a variety of weekly events, which include after-work parties, weekend get-a-ways, local day trips, vacations, and cruises. With a growing membership of more than 55, 000 singles, Meet Market is the most trustworthy social and entertainment company in North America.

Whatever your tastes, Meet Market has what it takes to suit your needs. For our sports fanatics, we offer all sorts of expeditions from mountain biking and multi-sport adventures to beautiful Peru. For our more reflective clients, we have an array of luxury events, which include memorable luxury cruises with other fine sophisticated and refined singles.

Are you single and bored in Vancouver? Join Meet Market Adventures today and take the leap to a life and a world with new friends that are waiting for you. See you there!