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Single Man

Advice for a Single Man – How to Flirt with Women

If you are a single man, you may be slightly nervous or unsure about how to flirt with a woman.  As a single man, it’s important to brush up your flirting skills because they will help build rapport between you and a woman you are interested in.  The key to effective flirting is to make a woman feel attracted to you without being obvious.  Flirting involves a whole lot more than standard conversation.  A single man must subtly demonstrate his sexuality and physical attraction to a woman when he flirts. 

Play Hard to Get with Humor

As a single man, you must make a woman work to get your attention.  This doesn’t mean you should be arrogant.  You simply have to use humor to play around with a woman while maintaining your self-confidence.  For example, if a woman asks you if the seat next to you is open, you could point to your lap and say, “No, but the seat next to me is.”  The idea is to act very confident in yourself and joke around playfully to make a woman feel attracted to you. 

Upon meeting a woman he is interested in, a single man should start flirting immediately.  The aim of flirting is to create sexual tension and an instant attraction.  Humor is one of the most effective flirting techniques for a single man.  One way you can use humor is to joke around and ask a woman to marry you.  You can talk about what you would do together if you were married and if she makes a silly comment, you can tell her that you want a divorce. 

Use Physical Contact

When a single man starts flirting with a woman, he must slowly get her comfortable with physical contact.  A woman only wants to get physically close with a man whom she trusts so you must build that trust slowly with small physical gestures such as touching her arm or shoulder.  Introducing physical contact early on will eliminate the awkwardness of trying to touch a woman much later in the relationship.  During the first date, a single man should touch his date’s arm lightly and take her hands into his.  If he feels brave enough, a single man could end the date with a hug or even a kiss depending on how much chemistry there is. 

Tease Her

A single man should play around often and tease a woman to take the physical chemistry to a next level.  For example, if you are sitting on a sofa with a woman, rather than trying to put your arm around her, push her lightly off the sofa and refuse to let her back on when she tries to get back on.  Ask her why you should let her back on.  Women love this type of play and “hard to get” attitude.  A single man can also start a pillow fight or tickle a woman playfully to increase intimacy and make a woman feel more comfortable around him. 

Follow these simple flirting techniques to make a woman feel an instant attraction to you.  As a single man, your most powerful flirting weapons are humor and physical contact.  Combine these two techniques in order to increase your level of intimacy with a woman and make her want you even more.