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Singles Intro to Dragon Boat Racing Event Feedback

Posted By: Donald H

For all the paddlers who had participated in the dragon boat racing event held on July 08, 2012, you should be proud of yourselfs. Like the instructor Yohan had stated, for a beginner boat of paddlers, you all did extremely well. If you see yourself pursuing this sport, my personal recommendation to all of you is to sign up with a community dragon boat team first for 2 to 3 try outs. This will give you the opportunity to explore how paddling practices are like and get to see if it meets your expectations. I am a dragon boat paddler for 4 years now for the Montreal Jade Dragons community team ( At the present time, we are getting ready for the Montreal International Dragon Boat Festival competitions this coming July 21 weekend. With Jade, we offer you 3 free practice sessions with the team to try it out. You can practice with the team once or twice a week based on your availability and / or dedications. If you need more information, please email me at and I will provide you additional information. Our team is located in Parc Jean-Drapeau and is 10 minutes away from the metro Parc Jean-Drapeau.

For fitness, for pleasure or become a competitive paddler, dragon boating is a sport that is growing rapidly in North America. Be part of it.

Once again, be proud of what you had accomplished today and...............

Ready, ready for a new adventure.
