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Recruitment For Dragon Boat Members

Posted By: Donald H

Are you interested in trying out dragonboating?

If you have a passion for water sports, a team player, committed individual and want to have some fun, we are currently recruiting for new members just like you.

There is no cost to try it out. You may realize this is what you have been missing all these beautiful summers. This is an opportunity you should not miss out on. Follow the waves of summer sports, team spirit and personal challenge. You have nothing to lose but gain exposure, experience and knowledge for dragonboating.

Fyi, Montreal is passionate about dragonboating. There is multiple dragonboat competitions going on in Montreal annually. The largest get-together is the Montreal International Dragon Boat Festival (MIDBF) held every July. Competition, friendship and the love for the sport is the objective of this event.

I am a member of the Montreal Jade Dragons. I can answer any questions you may have. Try it out! You will be surprised!