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International Caribbean Cruise

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October 20- 27

Hello fellow Friends, Members and Cruisers!!

For those of you not in attendance, we just got back from our Ocean Cruise. Where we visited the beautiful Islands of Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, and Grand Turk!! We had more then enough sunshine, turquoise water, and Margaritas, to last us throughout the winter, but not enough to not be planning our next cruise. I am looking forward to March!! :) This is a great way to have an adventurous vacation with lots of sun and sand. I went Sea Kayaking in the bioluminescence bay, Parasailing/ Beach Day and Margaritaville!! We enjoyed our days at sea as well, lots of R & R and pool side cocktails. Our group of singles from all over the country and the states quickly evolved into friends, couples, lovers and fairweather friends crying their goodbyes. I miss you all

Robin and Deb-> You two ROCK!!

MMA Lara
PS-> If any of you are still on the fence ... Call Me 1-800-239-0542