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Christian Singles

Essential Dating Tips for Christian Singles

Being a single Christian isn’t easy.  It can be a challenge to find other Christian singles who share your values.  Many people in the dating world quickly give way to fleshly desires and there are temptations present around every corner in the form of pop music, movies, and other aspects of our popular culture.  Christian singles have to stand up to the challenges they face and honor God with their bodies.  Here are some tips that Christian singles can follow while dating and getting to know each other. 

Build a Spiritual Dating Relationship

Prior to heading out on a date, Christian singles should pray to ask God for help in honoring him throughout the date.  Praying before a date can also help to put Christian singles in the appropriate mindset for dating.  It’s not a good idea for Christian singles to pray together with their dates early on in the relationship because this can lead to a dangerous level of intimacy.  Instead, pray with your date only when you are with other Christians. 

When Christian singles go out together, it can be tempting for them to focus all of their attention on their dates.  However, the focus of Christian singles’ dates should always be God.  God always wants to spend time with you and show you things so remember to maintain your relationship with God even when you are out with a special someone.  Christian singles can serve God while on dates by volunteering together to help people at soup kitchens, prisons, and elderly homes. 

Save Yourself for Marriage

Not all Christian singles may agree upon what saving themselves until marriage implies but saving yourself does not necessarily refer to sex or purity.  Saying, “I love you,” and giving physical affection of any sort can also be saved for your future spouse.  Imagine how wonderful it would feel to know that you truly saved every aspect of intimacy for your life with your spouse.  It takes a lot of self-control to do it but it can result in a much healthier marriage in the long run. 

This might sound archaic, but Christian singles should avoid kissing while dating and here’s why.  Kissing is sexually stimulating for both men and women and can lead to temptations to take things to a more intimate level.  It’s advisable for Christian singles to avoid kissing until their wedding day.  This will prevent you from possibly devastating your relationship.  Moreover, the first kiss you share on your wedding day will be all the more special that way. 

You can also invite other Christian singles or couples to go on a group date with you.  Having more people around helps to eliminate the awkwardness of first dates and can also help to maintain the purity of your relationship. 

Christian singles can connect on a deeper level and eventually find their life partners by following these dating tips.  Remember that your love for God should always be the focus of your dating relationship.  Anytime you feel lost, simply think of what Jesus would do and do it.  Being single and Christian may not be easy but with God on your side, you are bound to find love and build a satisfying spiritual relationship with someone you truly care about.